Security Plan

A security plan is a form of a guideline, standard operating procedure (SOPs) or policy for organizations/teams or groups with the ultimate goal of effectively and efficiently identifying and mitigating risks as a result of threats targeting individuals and/or groups.

About this course
This course will help HRDs and other human rights practitioners develop security plans based on their contexts and working environment. The course will also share some tips on security management, basically, the dos and don’ts in ensuring ones security.

What do I learn
At the end of this course, you will be able to effectively understand your working environment and develop a security plan for the various occasions and ensure ones safety as well as the safety of those we work with.

Module One: Assessment

Module Two: Planning

Module Three: Tips

Gloria Madegwa

Security Management Expert

Ms. Gloria Madegwa is a lawyer by training, an advocate of the high court of Kenya and a Woman Human Rights Defender with qualifications by virtue of being a holder of a Bachelors of Laws degree. 

Ms. Madegwa has been working in the Human Rights sector for the past eight years thus has built a deep understanding and experience in the sector, more specifically physical security and wellbeing issues.

She is currently head of Strategic Partnerships at the National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders-Kenya(Defenders Coalition). Throughout the years, she has led  the skills development component of Human Rights Defenders on security management (physical and digital), monitoring documentation and reporting as well as advocacy.

While at it, she helped conceptualize the training programme of the organization which has realized the capacity enhancement of over 6,000 Human Rights Defenders who now possess sufficient skills in the work defending and promoting  human rights. 

Her keen eye for details not only enables her to champion the rights of rights defenders but ensures that rights defenders take their security seriously using regular yet strategic training.

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Bradley Ouna

11/18/2023 12:51 PM

Keep the good work for us the HRDs, the course is very helpful to me